Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Furloughs begin July 12

Furloughs begin July 12 for FRC-East employees. FRC-East will be closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday beginning July 12. I have been thinking a lot about the furloughs and how it is going to affect local businesses. However, the furloughs effects is bigger than local businesses. Has anyone done the calculations for the loss in tax collection revenue? The furloughed employees are going to be paying less in payroll taxes - federal and state, less in sales tax because they are going to have less money to spend, less in gas tax - because they are going to be driving less. How does this trickle down? If they are spending less, the local businesses might have to cut employees. Those employees are paying less payroll taxes, less sales tax, less gas tax.  
If the tax collection is down, how are governments (local, county, state, federal) going to make up the difference? Are taxes going to be raised? Are services going to be decreased? Um...

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Crash Course on Leadership

A Crash Course on Leadership from "Lead Right. Every Leader's Straight-Talk Guide to Job Success" available at www.walkthetalk.com .

The 10 most important words on Leadership: "What can I do to help you be more successful?"
The 9 most important words: "I need you to do this, and here's why..."
The 8 most important words: "That's my mistake and I will fix it."
The 7 most important words: "My door is always open to you."
The 6 most important words: "Let's focus on solving the problem."
The 5 most important words: "You did a great job!"
The 4 most important words: "What do YOU think?"
The 3 most important words: "Follow my lead."
The 2 most important words: "Thank You."
The MOST important word: "YOU."