Thursday, February 7, 2013

Effects of Sequestration on Havelock and the surrounding community

Anyone who knows me these days recognizes the sequestration topic is one that I am extremely passionate about.
Let me address a few issues in regards to sequestration that most concern me, the Executive Director of the Havelock Chamber of Commerce. Earlier this week, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, laid out plans for the sequester. The one to be felt immediately by the community will be the furloughs of the civil servant. One day a week for 22 weeks. This is a cut in pay of 20%. Some are mistakenly thinking this will on cause a 20% reduction in spending in the area. No, for many, the 20% cut is the 100% of the discretionary spending of many of these civilian workers. This means no eating out, no buying a new car (or a used one), no new clothes, no new furniture, no new I need to continue. Here is the other kicker, just because the civil servant is working one fewer day each week, it does not mean his benefits premium is going to change.
70% of the total US Economy is dependent on spending. For FY 2011, total federal employees not including uniformed military personnel was 2,904,300. Although it has been said on 800,000 employees will be affected. How is a 20% cut in the paycheck going to affect the US Economy?
Next issue that concerns me greatly, military readiness. Outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta spoke at Georgetown University on Wednesday. He said:

"We're going to cut back on Army training and maintenance, putting about two-thirds of our active brigade combat teams outside Afghanistan at a reduced readiness level. We've got to cut back on their training. We're going to have to cut back on the ability to support the troops who are not in the war zone. So what happens is we put more stress on those who are in the war zone.
We're going to have to shrink our global naval operations with a reduction of as much as one-third in our western Pacific naval operations. This whole idea about trying to rebalance will be impacted.
We'll cut the Air Force flying hours and weapons system maintenance, putting flying units below acceptable readiness standards by the end of the fiscal year.
This is not a game. This is reality. These steps would seriously damage the fragile American economy, and they would degrade our ability to respond to crisis precisely at a time of rising instability across the globe -- North Africa to the straits of Hormuz, from Syria to North Korea. We would have no choice but to implement these kinds of measures if Congress fails to carry out its basic responsibility to the American people."
Where is all of the outrage from not only the American public but the Havelock community? Why are we allowing this to happen? The military and military readiness is our way of life and we should do everything to protect it.
Contact our elected officials today.
Congress Walter B Jones  Phone: (202) 225-3415
Senator Richard Burr Phone: (202) 224-3154
Senator Kay Hagan  Phone: (202) 224-6342
I am sure you will hear more about my passion in the days and weeks to come.
Stephanie Duncan
Executive Director
Havelock Chamber of Commerce

Monday, February 4, 2013

2013 Directory Arrived Today

The 2013 Havelock Chamber of Commerce Area Guide & Membership Directory arrived today! This has been a long process to complete for this year. We hope everyone enjoys the directory and finds it useful. Please be sure to share your thoughts with us.
Is the Directory helpful for you and your business? Do you feel it adds value to your Havelock Chamber Membership? Do you think it is a necessary publication?
I use the Havelock Chamber of Commerce Area Guide and Membership Directory daily. Most of the time, I use it to answer questions that callers have...sometimes it is just faster than Google!  Speaking of Google, most of the questions we receive can be announced via Google. With Google available to anyone with a computer, smart phone or tablet, is a directory still an important tool?
The Havelock Chamber of Commerce hopes our directory adds more value than just a listing of the membership and their phone numbers. The Area Guide and Membership Directory includes a calendar of events for the entire area, not just Havelock. The publication also includes information about our schools, our neighbors - MCAS Cherry Point and Fleet Readiness Center - East and the City of Havelock. We have included pictures from most of our events. Maybe you can locate yourself in the picture of the 2012 Havelock Chili Festival.
The 2013 Area Guide and Membership Directory is a result of a lot of work by a lot of partners. Thanks to the Havelock News for providing many of the pictures as well as FRC-East for letting us tell your story about growing your own engineers. Thanks to NC Coast Communications for the graphics/design work and publishing. A BIG THANK YOU goes out to Sue Cline of the Havelock Chamber of Commerce for all of her hard work.
Be sure to stop by our office and pick up your copy. If you would like us to drop one off for you, give us a call at (252) 447-1101 .

Friday, February 1, 2013

Two New Discoveries Today!

I learned two new things today that I must share with everyone.

First, if you need some work done and it can be done virtually, check out . This website allows for you to register the job you need - i.e. transcribing, copying files, illustrating, and people will "bid" on the job. Couple of really good things I like about the service: You get an expert and you only need to pay for the time you need them. Your expert could be someone with world wide exposure offering a service you might not be able to receive locally. What I do not like: the expert might be in another country and therefore, you are not helping the local economy. 
Another really good thing about , military spouses could use the service to stay employed while moving with their active duty spouse.

Backyard Produce...if you are on Facebook, make sure you "like" their page. Then visit their website at . What an amazing concept! How it works: Operating on a weekly subscription basis and offering four different sized baskets for delivery. Flying Solo, $25 w/ 40 points. Just for Two, $35 w/ 60 points. Family of Four, $45 w/80 points. Extended Family, $55 w/ 100 points. Points are used if you choose to customize your order.
Baskets are delivered to your home or office and are completely customizable based on the local and organic selections we receive from our farmers and producers.
Subscriptions are for weekly delivery, but Backyard Produce offers the option to place a hold on your delivery if you wish not to receive one.
Backyard Produce works with our farmers and producers to bring you a selection of organic and local produce, breads, cheese, & dry goods each week, which is posted to the website each Thursday afternoon. You are able to place your order between this time and Saturday at 11:59pm.
If you choose not to customize your order with the points Backyard Produce will email and post to Facebook page the weekly "Variety Basket" every Friday.
Leave the rest up to Backyard Produce. Backyard Produce will contact their farmers with quantities, pack up your orders, and deliver them to your home or office. By the way, Backyard Produce delivers to Havelock and New Bern.

Just two interesting concepts that I thought I would share with you.